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PostSubject: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 12:57 am

First topic message reminder :

If you need to add something to a character profile of your own making, state the character and changes here and wait for approval from an admin or moderator. Note that you cannot change the abilities of a character while they are in a battle.

Last edited by Mugetsu on Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 7:50 am

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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 10:28 pm

Add to the physical appearance: Isa has bright blue eyes that almost match the color of her hair. When she becomes angry, or is fighting, her eyes turn two different colors; Her left eye becomes white with a blue tint to it and her right eyes turns dark blue, and looks almost black.
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Kizomaru Hotaru
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 10:39 pm

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Kizomaru Hotaru
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 11:35 pm

Change to Hei: Changed eye color...And added to zanpakuto ability. "Also, for an unknown reason Hei's eyes glow red whenever he activates the ability of his zanpakuto." Doesn't affect the ability though o.o
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed May 30, 2012 7:47 am

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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 3:46 am

Adding to Isako:

Squad: 5

Rank: Lieutenant

Bio: After traveling on her own for a long time, Isako met Shinji Hirako. He convinced her to return to Soul Society in exchange for learning control over her hollow powers and her mask. After arriving, he immediately made her his lieutenant.
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Kizomaru Hotaru
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 3:48 am

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Caelum Tsukiyo
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 10:22 pm

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Changes made:
Zanjutsu - 1 point
Hoho - 1 point
Kido/Cero + 2 points

I do this to match up information in my profile, as anything short of 8 in my opinion would contradict my stated extreme proficiency in matters regarding reiatsu and reiryoku control such as my "Complete" control over my own reiatsu and reiryoku.
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Kizomaru Hotaru
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 10:31 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 10:53 pm

Add on to Sesshomaru Azai...

Bankai Appearence- His zanpakuto's take a full transformation. Bakusaiga alters into a Buster blade, its full length is 51", the blades Length is 36 1/2", the blades width is 7", it has a sharp Edge, and the guard is rectangular with a width of 8 1/2". The blades color was completely black, as well as the hilt.
Tenseuga alters into a nodachi blade, its blades length is 34", and its Overall Length is 57". The Handle
is 23" in length, and its Scabbard is a Black Lacquered Wood Scabbard, its color is completely white.

*Bankai Abilities/Techniques:
*Fushoku-sei no nami o hakai(Rupturing Corrosive Wave)- This is a more advance version of Bakuhatsu. With a wave of Bakusaiga, he is able to send a wide range rising wave of corrosive green enrgy, if its fumes are inhaled, the persons insides would feel a burning sensation.
*Bakuhatsu-tekina doragon no sutoraiki(Explosive Dragon Strike)- Another technique able to be used with Bakusaiga. Blue and green swirling energy surrounds his blade as he is able to send two twin dragon like bodies of energy. If connected, it creates a explosion to harm the persons body to a bigger extint.
*Hansha dōmu(Reflective Dome)- With Tenseiga, he is able to surround himself in a dome of reishei. The dome is able to shield him from attacks and reflect it back at his enemies. Its stronger than Tensai No Tatae, but does have limits. So he can only use it three times.
*Ten no kagayaki(Heavenly Glow)- This is a one time use in battle, this techniques creates a dense reishei of armor. It protects his body from attacks, and increase his speed and strenght. The other draw-back is that it can only be used for three posts, max. Tenseiga would then need to re-charge.
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Kizomaru Hotaru
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2012 11:19 pm

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Kaede Shoshi
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 9:14 pm

Update For Bio

The birth of a dreamer: The child

Ever story has a beginning, every legend has a start, and every myth has a kernel of truth in it, and this story is no different. In fact it starts more humbly then most, he was born in a small village in a much larger nation, this village was located off a small branch of a much mightier river.Everything about his home, his birth place,his family was insignificant. But hero's are born in the most unlikely of places, to the most unlikely of parents and in the most unfortunate of circumstances. So on one starry and pain filled summer night a dreamer was born, a dreamer that would lead a nation and give rise to an empire. His given name was Abdel Hakim, but you know him as Isaiah Gates the lord of dreams.

His life was a simple affair to start, full of everyday choirs and tasks that never varied from day to day. He like all boys of his era learned the trade his fathers trade, just as his father had learned it from his father and so on and so forth tell time out of mind. So it was for the first fifteen years of his life, he learned to till the fields and harvest the crops, he learned to birth and raise the animals that his village depended on, but most of all he learned humility and that trait has stuck with him even all these years later. He loved his life, yet even then he was looking to the future, wishing to know what would come, craving something he could not describe would not describe. Because what he was craving was an escape from reality as he knew it and that was a sin he could barely comprehend.

The First Dream: The Student

That future he wanted, had dreamed of the entirety of his life came on one hot spring day seventeen years after his birth. It was a normal day by all accounts, so normal in fact that to this day Isaiah cant tell you what day of the week it was, or what month it was for that matter but it sticks out all the same....It was the day that the first and most important of his teachers moved to his out of the way village. He would ask this man many a time what made him decide to come to his small part of the world, and he would always say the same thing, with a slight smile and a twinkle in his eye " I just had a feeling and i always fallow my feelings my boy."

The man that would become his teacher....Was reclusive at first, secretive and more then a little eccentric, but that didn't last long, with in a fortnight(Two weeks) he was a common sight at the market, selling and giving away medicines, advice, helping birth children and animals. He was a wise man whos talents seemed unlimited and soon he did something that no one thought was possible....He began to teach people to read. In the modern age we take reading and writing for granted, but back when Abdel(Isaiah) was young only the rich and noble people of his land knew the mystery's of the written word. So it was a dream come to for young Abdel, a dream he did not know he had but a dream none the less. Over the next two years he devoured lesson after lesson, solved after problem and still craved more.

It was during this time of his life that he developed his love for learning and literature that stuck with him threw out the many years to come. It was this passion and drive to learn that lead him on the next step of his journey. A journey that lasts for the rest of his human life and beyond, because the the quest for knowledge never really ends as long as your alive and have the will to pursue the unknown. So one spring morning after his twentieth naming day he left his village. He planned on returning one day, to see his family and friends again, sadly even the best laid plans have a way of changing and he never returned home. If he could have seen the future maybe, just maybe he wouldn't have been so eager to kiss his mother and father good bye.

The Second Dream: The traveler

The next ten years of his life where both a nightmare and a dream come true for Isaiah. He traveled the known world in search of knowledge, went from city to city, region to region and lived off his own wits and the charity of perfect strangers. It was a time of adventure and self discovery for the young boy who swiftly became a man as the riggers of his daily life stripped away and illusions he may have had about how the world worked. Life and the world in general was a harsh teacher but Isa learned his lessons fast, if he hadn't he would no longer be counted among the living.

The First Nightmare: Taken.

On one rather miserable night Isa sat huddled for warmth in a cave just outside of what is now Pakistan. It was on this night that he was taken, to where he does not remember, all he knows is that it was a dark place filled with the screaming of men and women, screams that where filled with fear and pain and nothing he did could keep them from his mind. Soon enough it was his turn to scream, to beg for mercy as unspeakable things where done to his body. He expected to die like all the ones that came before him, but something happened, something his tormentors had hoped for and dreamed of....They had created the first of many spirit vampires....So in a vary real way Isa is the father of his race.

The Third Dream: Escape

He didn't know how long he remained in that hell because every second was a torment to the newly created Bountou. Eventually though his pain and fear turned to anger, and that anger turned to conviction and strength, and with this conviction came a plan...A plan to escape this hell with all the prisoners that came after him. But first he needed power, the demons that tortured them carried swords of magic and could use the most evil of sorcery.

How could he a man hope to over power a demon that could call lightning from the sky? A man couldn't.....But was he a man a anymore? He no longer felt hungry...he no longer felt the need to drink, and his mind was filled with images he had never seen before. What was he? What was he capable of doing? What magcs had the demons put into his body? As if in answer a voice came to him as if in a dream, from the most inner parts of his soul...A voice that told him a ritual, a ritual that would give him the power to escape, give him the power to fight the demons and free the people who where here with him.

All he needed was a body....A human body to give rise to his power, and sadly there where more then enough of those to be found in his cell....Left there to rot. Guided by this inner voice he worked a ritual that all bountou since have worked and summoned his demons into physical form and with its help, he killed his captures and escaped with his people, escaped into a world he knew and loved...Into a world he no longer knew. He had spent thirteen years in that prison and in that time the world had changed.

The Fourth Dream: Father to a People.

Since that time Isa has lead the Bountou people on and off, anytime he felt that he was needed or wanted. Though out the ages he has guided his people, protected them, and taught them everything he knows about their new found power and its risks. He was the first, and he has a responsibility to those who where brought into being because of him. He continues to protect his dying people even to this day and for the first time in century's hes made his presence known, he is the first of the Bountou and father to his people.

Daddys home, and its time to clean house.
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 9:22 pm

"A human body to give rise to his power, and sadly there where more then enough of those to be found in his cell....Left there to rot."

O.o nice bio just um next time, can you say for what character and maybe even add a link? But, other than that:
Profile Modification - Page 4 Seal_o14
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Kaede Shoshi
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PostSubject: Re: Profile Modification   Profile Modification - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 9:23 pm

Ohh ahh thank you XDDD I completely forgot to tell ya >.> Thanks by the way 0-0
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