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 Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)

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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2012 11:20 pm

The Shinigami

Name: Kage, Takeshi

Nickname: Take, Keshi (No-one has called him either of these yet…so another character may have the ‘right’ to begin calling him these.)

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male

Squad: Two

Rank: Captain

Weapons: N/A

Personality: Throughout Takeshi life there has been conflict after conflict within his mind created by the facade of the people around him. Some were nice, treating the young boy as a friend and not a foe, while otherwise would make complete flips from their typical joy-filled personalities. This causes confusion and now he has withdrawn himself from the world in an attempt to escape from everybody and everything. When Yami no Akuma first presented itself to him he thought that he would be the only friend Takeshi would have and the spirit even convinced the young boy, at the time, that what he thought was very true. You could say that Takeshi has a dark persona, one of distance and chill. Though people are able to handle conversations with the boy he still seems incredibly distant and too this day not a single soul has been able to reach his true self. He is neither harsh nor caring, nice or mean but somewhere in-between knowing that in the Soul Society they need to obtain a certain balance between the two, otherwise no-one would approve who they are. This attitude made him a perfect candidate for Captain of Squad Two, along with the powerful Bankai unleashed at a young age.

Physical Appearance: Takeshi looks like a typical teenager, standing at about six foot even and weighing about one-hundred and fifty pounds. His appearance is small in size, almost incredibly skinny, yet the exterior does not truly represent the power his young body holds. His hair, white as snow and typically unsettled, reaches just below his ears in length. The pair of red eyes seems to complement the hair perfectly almost making him look like a demon more than a Shinigami Captain. This would be the appearance of what people call an ‘Albino’ though Takeshi’s skin is not pale and looks rather normal. Clothing wise, Takeshi accepts most clothing as it’s just that…clothing. Making one’s self look presentable for others seems pointless to the boy and, with that, he can be found wearing a set of thick clothing typically used for training and when out fighting their mortal enemies, the Hollows. The armor looks quite Gothic in nature, the base color being white with black trims covering the entirety of the uniform.

Bio: The Soul Society is well known for its Shinigami and one such group of Shinigami came from the much respected clan that went by the name Kage. This clan was well known for the prodigy warriors of Illusions, every Shinigami perfecting their technique to match even the greatest Shinigami in history. Takeshi was born to this famous clan and throughout the years was treated like an outsider, not one of the families, and his training provided further enlightenment on the exact reason why. Yes, Takeshi like the rest of the children of the Kage was a prodigy, but in the categories that the Kage clan and many others did not foresee. He excelled in Zanjutsu, the art of using one’s Zanpakuto, with strength in using defensive measures almost at the same amount. However, he wasn’t any good at Illusions like the rest of his family.

This caused a distance between Takeshi and the rest of his peers. Without the love of his parents, and the attention of his peers, his personality became detached from the world. There was no time to concentrate on the needs of others, or of the innocents around him and soon young Takeshi learned that there was only one person would ever care and that was himself. Selfishness was a big aspect of his life and soon it corrupted his inner being to the point of no revival.

Along with the peers never showing their attention to Takeshi, his own father Mara seemed to ignore his entire existence. Takeshi always wondered even when he was young why his parents’ eyes were in a different direction. He would never know the truth behind the strange, unprovoked hatred. Though, the truth is known between Mara and Fuki. While Mara and Fuki were still in the beginning ages of their marriage a young vixen had come between the two of them. A young, beautiful woman had wandered into town, proclaiming that she was a traveler trying to see the world. With beautiful white hair and the most gorgeous pair of eyes…it was no problem seducing the unsecure Mara into bed where they conceived a child. Nine months later, the child was delivered to the Kage household, where Mara and Fuki discovered its existence. It was almost the end of their relationship but they struggled through and managed to repair their shattered marriage…while also accepting the child born out of wedlock.

Takeshi, at a very young age, was presented with his Zanpakuto ‘Yami no Akuma’, an ancient sword that said every couple years would attach itself to the chosen child of their clan. Though he wasn’t a full-blooded Kage, the blade seemed to resonate towards his existence, and from there it had chosen Takeshi as its master. At a young age he developed a clever skill in Zanjutsu, surpassing many of the other children and basic Shinigami. At about the age of fifteen the level of swordsmanship, the Bankai, was revealed to him while training one day. The odd thing about it was that everyone knew it took about the time of ten years to master. However, the child managed to do it in less, but at a price. Both the Shikai and Bankai absorb some of Takeshi’s life force, the very blood that fuels his body.

It was soon after that Takeshi joined the Shinigami force and, even sooner after that, he was promoted to Captain from his display of strength, speed, stealth and power during his days in the Onmitsukido. Some things, however, remained a secret to the other Captains and his squad. The fact that his sword feasts on the blood of its holder and along with the serious health issues he’s always kept inside were just two of them…

Inner World Appearance: The inner world, the world that reflects both the Shinigami and their Zanpakuto, is one that represents inner personality and soul. For Takeshi and Yami no Akuma their inner world is nothingness. Black, darkness, despair. The world around them seems like an endless void that continues for miles and miles, representing a path with no ending, a world that will never finish that represents the feeling of going no-where with his life. The loneliness and sorrow that fills Takeshi true heart. Around the entire world screams of terror and agony scratch at the eardrums of the Shinigami almost like the Inner World was trying to torture him.


Name: Yami no Akuma

Zanpakuto Spirit: Yami no Akuma has no apparent form of physical design but instead takes the form of the darkness in the world, beginning with a blob-like figure and then becoming whatever shape he feels would be appropriate. The spirit is the spirit of darkness, a devil within the darkness to be exact, and so the darkness are him and they are one. While in the Inner World, Yami no Akuma can take the form of the world, encompassing Takeshi inside himself and creating a certain spiritual pressure that generates fear.

Sealed Form: In its sealed form, Yami no Akuma is a blade colored like the darkness that legends say it’s forged from. Its blade and handle are as black as the night, making them nearly invisible when covered in shadows, except when it is swung, as the silver lining would shine brightly in the moonlight.

Shikai: Once released the blade become entirely jet black, almost like it turns into darkness itself, as sharp prongs, hooks and spikes sprout from the edges of the blade and handle. At night the blade is again, invisible, making it almost impossible to counter-act, deflect, or dodge since the mind cannot comprehend the proper effort needed to dodge something that may, or may not, be there. Because of the transformation, the sharp spikes stab into Takeshi hand, absorbing the blood and letting most drip onto the ground. The blood then flows throughout the blade creating patterns visible in the darkness, always constantly moving and keeping fluid motions.

Call Out Phrase: Yami no Akuma…I allow the to strike thy foes from darkness! Devour!

Any Abilities/Techniques
    - Yami no Dōmu: Also known as the ‘Dome of Darkness’, Takeshi power will generate pure darkness from his body, surround himself and his prey in a nearly indestructible bubble which can only be dismissed by his loss of life, spirit energy, or of his own will. Basically meant to confide the dangerous opponent to bring no harm to those around him and separate him away from his allies…a one on one duel to the death like a typical samurai duel.

    - Utsusemi: It allows for a movement at great speed leaving an afterimage behind. The afterimage may even appear to have taken damage.

    - Giman Sasayaki: A cloud of darkness will erupt from the air surrounding both Takeshi and his opponent, a thick fog that only the one generating can effectively see and function in. Whoever else is caught within the cloud’s radius will hear whispers, echoing of Takeshi’s voice to distract, confuse and cause them to lower their defenses. Used in combo with certain Shunpo techniques, this ability can become extremely deadly.

    - Yami no Mōfu: A basic technique that Takeshi and Yami no Akuma developed when they were both younger which allowed the manipulation of darkness. Doing this, the darkness will wrap itself around the target, cutting off the movement of both their legs and arms greatly constricting their ability to fight back. This is a non-violent way for Takeshi to eliminate a target without actually having to kill them; or remove people out of the way that aren’t mentioned on the mission details like humans with an innate ability to sense/see souls.


Bankai Name: Yami o Musabori

Bankai Description: Closing his eyes to concentrate his mind away from the immense amounts of pain produced from the Shikai growing in his hands, the two of them becoming one, as the sword seeps its way into Takeshi’s hand as if it was digging underneath the skin. It burrows, becoming one with Takeshi, as black veins began spreading like a disease across his body. Soon it transforms and his body obtains the highest level of power, the Bankai.

Any Abilities/Techniques
    - Yami no Yūgō: When Yami no Akuma and Takeshi become one, sacrificing all things physical to become one with the darkness and allowing teleportation between patches of darkness, or something like the Void, in the surrounding area. This technique also allowed a certain amount of offense, allow Takeshi to materialize again on his whim to attack before retreating again.


Hoho –
Zanjutsu –
Reiryoku –
Kido –
Hakudo –
Hankou –
Points Awarded:
Total Points:

Last edited by Takeshi Kage on Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:05 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 3:22 am

Your zanpakto's abilities are too similar to Kyoraku's shikai. Maybe try something different with the shadows other than shadow travel.
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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 5:48 am

Changed and instead of using shadows, I decided to go with darkness, as they aren't the same but I can still do the same concept. Also removed Shadow stepping, and instead added two Shunpo techniques, the basic inhuman speed and the ability to from the after images that show him being hurt, but he really isn't.

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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 2:28 pm

Utsusemi is fine but it is a skill locked to those who have been in the Onmitsukido so just add somewhere that you were part of it at a certain point and it's fine. Also, your bankai cannot make you ethereal all the time. That can be an ability, but the bankai itself cannot make your body basically unhittable unless your attacking THOUGH that can be an ability.

(My personal opinion: Some of those techniques you listed are shared by all shinigami innately such as shunpo and Senmaioroshi. Also, like I said before, utsusemi is a skill which can be learned. You should use the space for abilities of your zanpakto to make new abilities. You don't have to, but I recommend it, so your shikai and bankai won't be wasted on things you can do outside of shikai and bankai.)
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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 2:32 pm

Awesome points! I should make you the profile guy. xD Lol, jk.
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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 5:15 pm

Oh I wasn't aware that you could make more techniques later on. @.@ I thought it was once the profile is completed, that's what you get. I WISH I KNEW THAT SOONER! T.T That would have saved me a lot of time. I'll work on changing that the chance I get.
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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 7:33 pm

Np dude. If you have any question on abilities you see in Bleach Wiki you should ask a mod. One thing though: you cannot add more abilities after unless you leave one blank now. The abilities I listed do not have to be listed in your profile ('tis a loophole Surprised).
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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 12:19 am

Just let us know when you're all done. ^^
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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 8:03 am

I...believe I fixed what was requested? I went ahead and left three spots open on my Bankai's list for later improvement and created a few more techniques for the Shikai, along with adding how he had been a part of the Onmitsukido.

About the whole 'being ethereal' part...that was actually added as the very first ability on the Bankai list. XD I don't know why I had basically put it down twice...but yeah, it was listed as an ability before hand. No worries about that (though I deleted it off the description so there won't be any more confusion).
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 4:14 pm

You're approved. Once you make your squad barracks and captain's office, you're good to go. ^^
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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 7:02 pm

Very Happy Thank you very much. Though, I did have a question about that, the person before me had already created the Barrack and Office, so what should I do about those topics? Should I just ignore them, or, like, would you like to delete them so there isn't any confusion?
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 7:06 pm

No problem. ^^

Oh yeah. xD I left them there in case you wanted to use them instead. I'm assuming you want to make your own? If so, I'll go delete them.
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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 7:13 pm

Oh yes! Please do delete them for me and I'll make my own. Thank you again! :3
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 7:15 pm

It's all good. You're welcome, haha. ^^
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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 19, 2012 10:58 pm

I apologize for interrupting this. But seeing as your points add up to 34, it seems that you have not gained any extra points. I am sorry to interrupt this, but it seems it was missed in the original round of checking. You have two skills at 7. As an A rank you can only have 1 skill at 7. Please choose either Hakuda or Hoho and fix this.
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 19, 2012 11:02 pm

Oof, thanks for finding this one as well. xD
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Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 19, 2012 11:04 pm

No problem Mugetsu. Just doing my job to double check thing. ^.^
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Takeshi Kage
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Takeshi Kage

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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 19, 2012 11:04 pm

Actually, A-Rank receive 35 points, so 34 is below the required number. Thanks for letting me notice that!

Besides this, yeah I missed the 'one' skill at seven rule. Though the sheet has already been accepted as it is, I'll go ahead and fix it, cause I am nice. :0
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 19, 2012 11:07 pm

Thank you Kage. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D)   Takeshi Kage (Unseated Rank D) Icon_minitime

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