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 Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}

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Kaede Shoshi
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Kaede Shoshi

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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 9:39 pm

Name: Felix Salvador
Nickname: Fellix Octavious Skipio, Fel, And if people like to live a dangerous (And rather short) life Skippy.
Sin: Gluttony
Age: Over a thousand years old (Appears 28)
Gender: Male

Weapon(s):ferrum maxilla(Iron Jaws): Roman style Cestus(Combat gloves) that fit snugly onto his hands. Made of black leather strips covered in sharp metal spikes, they are unbreakable. Embroidered on ether glove is "Gula non sit vitium latet" Which translates to gluttony is not a secret vise.

vorax morsu(Voracious bite): Felix's teeth dont appear much different then any body else's; Maybe a little more pointed, certainly a little whiter but thats about it. His teeth can crunch, smash and slice like none other, and they will never break chip or get a cavity. You gotta love the fringe benefits of being a demon...They have the best dental plan around. Ohh did i for get to mention he can open his mouth more then three times the norm?


Personality: Fels a very odd man. On the surface, he appears to be somewhat laid-back, and appreciates a beer, a scantily-clad underwear model, a pair of aviators, and a patio deckchair on some random beach. He tends to epitomise the typical stereotype of 'action hero', and then takes it a little further past that extreme. He appreciates everything you'd expect a man of his appearance too. Fast cars. Naked women. Shotguns.

He's right at home in a bar, a car, or a battlefield. Anywhere other than those three or his apartment, and he's more than likely to be alert, aware, and ready to pull out one of his fists at a moment's notice. And note that he's trained to kill with these babies - and then some.

Whilst slow to start, when Felix gets going, he's cocky and overconfident, and values successful irrationality. He enjoys the odd trickshot, or thinking on his feet with success; and he likes explosions, too. Anything that makes him look the badass will be lapped up eagerly.

He can crack one-liners on the brink of his peril with seemingly no problem, and does this consistently enough to be considered the god of all earthly puns. As Gluttony, he tends to be consistently hungry, and never shies away from a KFC bargain bucket or two, but miraculously seems to never put any weight on from this ridiculous rate of consumption of garbage.

A little more on his actual personality, though. Felix is hot-headed and tends to make sporadic and impulsive decisions dependent on exactly how he feels at the moment. Generally, if they're right, he'll go ahead and brag to high hell about it. If they're not, he'll feel a little internal regret, but won't show it, and will make excuse after excuse about his bad decision-making skills. He also loves bragging (though not as much as Pride, obviously).

Physical Appearance:

Imagine if you will the lost and forgotten Greek god of body cologne. Tall with rippling musculature, dark slightly curly hair, wide shoulders a slime waist and wide grinning Blue eyes. Everything is seemingly perfect, until you look too closely. His body is a mass of pale scar tissue that can barley be seen in bright light, his face is marked by thin white lines of completely healed cuts. It lends his a sort of savage beauty when viewed from a distance, but up close he looks almost alien.

Fel dresses in what ever suits his fancy on any given day, from jogging cloths to military uniforms and everything in between. The one constant is his tendency to dress in darker colors, mostly dark blues and greens His two constant companion's are a thin necklace made of plain metal that hangs loosely around his neck, and a dark flask that seems to hold some sort of liquid.

His walk in a nearly predatory thing, every motion charged with latent energy and need. His eyes seem both dazed and energetic at the same time and his voice is an expressive thing, he always seems like hes about ready to sell you something and it always feel like hes giving you a good deal.

Bio: In life Felix was a man who knew what he wanted and took it no matter what it was, be it food, drink,power or women. You see he was a senator in the roman senate and was a man of influence and power beyond what most people can dream of. Sadly this power was short lived and he was murdered on his way home from one of the many midnight orgies. His soul did not remain chained in this realm for long and soon he was sucked into hell. There he was tortured like all gluttons and was cast into a lake of filth where he was forced to devour every single morsel of garbage that floated his way. His soul could not stand that humiliation and soon he devoured not only the garbage, but the other sinners who made there home with him. After century's of this he had absorbed enough wickedness and gluttony that he came to personify that vary concept. When the gates opened he fled hell and now roams the world in search of new decadence's to sate his apatite's.

Powers: (up to 4 maximum)

Daemonis Spiritus(Demons Breath): Gluttony is an all consuming force, it could devour people, power and nations with the same ease. This power exemplify's that characteristic. Not only can he bite threw and consume every mundane material, but he can ingest objects made of Reiryoku(Though not kiho or cero) all that he needs to do is get his rather sizable jaws around it. He can expel what ever he ingests in its complete form( If he ate the entirety of what ever object or person is of course).

Aura de luxuriâ(Aura of Decadence): Everybody has their poison so to speak. Whether thats booze, sex, violence, food or drugs it really doesnt matter. Gluttony is the sin of excess and anything done to excess falls under its purview. This ability allows Fel to know exactly what anyone's particular poison is and if he knows you want something well he can more then likely get it for them in a most expedient manner(Throwing up what ever item, food, or person). Now the second part of this power is rather simple, anyone who accepts one of these gifts owes him a service/favor that they must pay back if called upon to do so. They don't have to pay up if they don't choose to, but they will suffer some rather server consequences if they don't. (Namely there gift turning rather sour, its unique in each case)

Saporem Cinis(Taste of Ashes): Eventually ever pleasure of the flesh becomes a pale comparison of what it once was, this same idea apply's to the flesh as well. With this power Felix unlocks his true form as the embodiment of Gluttony.
His body becomes a hideous thing, covered in gashing, hungry and drooling mouths. It gos with out saying that these extra mouths can use the Daemonis Spiritus technique, along with this his many mouths can now expel clouds of demonic locusts that will attack and consume anything he wills.

Pascere in Dolor(Feed on Pain): The term glutton for punishment did not come to be by accident, this defensive technique allows him to ingest and then expel weaponized Reiryoku(Such as Cero and kido) and spit it back at them(See demons Breath Technique). He can only absorb Reiryoku in this way if the attacker's Reiryoku plus kido/cero stat total is less then or equal to his own Reiryoku plus kido/cero stat total. Another imitation is the fact that he must absorb with his mouth(s) other wise this power has no effect.


Hoho (speed) - 6
Zanjutsu (Art of the sword or weapon) - 5
Reiryoku (Spiritual energy) -7
Kido/cero (Way of the spirit) -6
Hakudo (Physical combat) -6
Hankou (Resistance) - 5
Points awarded:
Total points:35

Last edited by Kaede Shoshi on Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:04 am; edited 3 times in total
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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 1:28 am

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Kaede Shoshi
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Kaede Shoshi

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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 2:44 am

Umm it seems i forgot my bio 0-0 But thank you :3
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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 6:43 am

Oh, well add it then. o.o I thought that I saw it when I looked earlier.. e.e
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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 10:05 am

Still need the bio before this character can be used...
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Kaede Shoshi
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Kaede Shoshi

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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeThu May 24, 2012 6:24 am

ooops sorry forgot 0-0
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Kaede Shoshi
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Kaede Shoshi

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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeThu May 24, 2012 6:33 am

sorry about that 0-0 Bio is added :3
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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeThu May 24, 2012 7:56 am

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Kaede Shoshi
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Kaede Shoshi

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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2012 2:08 am

YA~~~~~~ :3
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Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}    Felix Salvador {Embodiment of Gula or Gluttony}  Icon_minitime

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