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 Eon Shikimori - Shinigami

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Posts : 509
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Join date : 2012-04-15


Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Empty
PostSubject: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami   Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 8:05 am

Eon Shikimori - Shinigami _Eon_

Name: Eon Shikimori
Age: 416 : Looks to be about 20
Gender: Male
Squad: Eight
Rank: Captain
Weapon(s): Two wakizashi hidden within his sleeves. The one hidden in his right sleeve has a white handle and a black blade. The one hidden in his left sleeve has a black handle and white blade. He rarely uses them, but he still carries them around with him.
Positive Traits

  • Eon is a carefree person, not caring in the differences between ranks. He treats everyone like any other person. This excludes when he is needed to be a leader or when in front of other Captains, unless he is friends with them of course.
  • Eon can be a very protective person, looking after those he cares about and his squad mates. He will put his life on the line for others. Even if its something sure to get himself killed, as long as it means the others can escape.
  • Eon loves to eat. Make him some food and he will be your best friend for life! Food often calms him down when he gets angry, which is rarely. Or a person can use food as a bribe to get him to do something, within reason.
  • Eon can be very friendly when it comes to meeting someone new. He is never shy about anything and is always there with a helping hand.
  • Eon doesn't let anger, jealousy, or love cloud his judgment. However, even though this does not cloud his judgment, these things can be used to make him get serious.

Negative Traits

  • A minor negative trait about Eon is that he likes fighting at a disadvantage. This explains why he wears the clothes and arm guards that limit his movement. However, when he gets serious he will basically strip down to his shinigami robe jeans and fight without holding back anything.
  • Eon isn't a very punctual person, often arriving late to meetings and such. Even when there is a battle, he usually just strolls right on in when the fighting has already begun. Even though he seems lazy, Eon is an impeccable fighter.
  • Eon can sometimes be a bit of a gambler. He often makes bets with fights, especially if he is in the fight. This is because it forms a type of entertainment for him. Though, betting on himself doesn't make him get serious in a fight, so sometimes he loses.
  • One major negative trait about Eon is that he loves to fight those stronger than him. He will always challenge those he deems stronger so he can get stronger as well. He believes that by fighting someone stronger than you, you in turn become stronger. This causes him to get beat up a lot. It may also one day be the death of him.
  • Eon has an unhealthy obsession with the Vizards. He seems them as one of the strongest opponents he may ever face, alongside the Captain Commander. He dreams of one day testing his abilities against that of a Vizard.

Physical Appearance: Eon stands at 6'1" tall and weighs approximately 195 pounds. His eyes are a crimson red that seem to glow in the dark. His hair is black, medium length and feathered, brushed toward the front with a crimson patch of hair on the front left that matches his eyes. His skin is tan and fairly muscled from years of training in Hakuda. He wears the normal shinigami Captain attire, except his sleeves are tight against his arms rather then loose like normal shinigami robes. Around his neck and covering his mouth is a crimson scarf given to him by his Sensei in the Rukongai upon him achieving Captain rank. He wears his Zanpakuto upside down on his back, the hilt showing just above his left hip. (Pic is at top of the page)
Human World - I Lose My Mind

Eon grew up as an orphan. He would always get in fights with kids on the streets, so he would always be bruised up. This caused people to not want to adopt him. Eon had only one friend in the orphanage. A kid by the name of Kazuki. Eon would always remember Kazuki, they were the best of friends. Eon had always protected Kazuki from bullies and so they became known as Yin and Yang.

One day when Kazuki went out to play, a group of kids jumped him to get back at Eon. eon came upon this group when he went out looking for Kazuki. Sadly, Eon was too late. Kazuki's head was bashed into the wall, his body fell limp to the ground. The shock Eon went in from his friends death sent him into a fury. Eon ran at the kids and began to fight.

It was four against one. Eon didn't care about the odds, all he cared about was revenge. Eon took down the first kid with a quick leg sweep and then came around with a sideways flip, smashing his heel into the kids face. The kid was still alive, Eon wasn't going to revert to their way of killing.

As the second and third kid charged forward, Eon got up and ducked under their punches, raising his own and knocking the breath right out of them with a punch to both of their solar plexus. He then stood up behind the kids and elbowed them both in the back of the head, sending them sprawling to the ground.

Eon turned toward the fourth kid with a dark glare. He seemed scared, but wouldn't show it. The kid charged at Eon and got a punch in on his shoulder. Eon turned, going with the spin in order to lower its damage. He then hooked onto the kids outstretched arm and yanked him toward him, giving the kid a nasty headbutt. The kid stumbled back, holding his bloody nose. He cursed Eon and charged once more, going for a punch once again. Eon ducked under his fist and hit his chest with a quick palm thrust. He then followed up by jumping onto the kid's bent leg, pushing off and grabbed the kids head, slamming his head into Eon's knee. The kid fell backwards as Eon let go and landed.

Eon walked over to the bleeding kid. He was the one who killed Kazuki. As Eon went for the final blow to knock the kid unconscious, the kid pulled out a knife and dug the blade deep into Eon's head. Eon's eyes widened and his body froze as the kid got a direct hit between the eyes. Eon's body went limp and he collapsed with the blade in his head. His eyes went dim immediately.

Rukongai - Contradictions and Raincoats

Some time after Eon's death, he arrived in Rukongai thanks to a shinigami. He knew not of what happened to Kazuki, but hoped to one day find him. Eon's luck in Rukongai was just as bad as in the real world. Eon had appeared in one of the worst parts of Rukongai, having to fight for survival. Each day Eon managed to end up in some fight. Over time, he honed his combat skills far greater than he ever had in the human world.

As time passed in the Rukongai, Eon slowly grew. When he wasn't able to be challenged further by anyone in the District he was located, he would go lower into one of the worst districts. He would go from district to district trying to find someone more of a challenge to him. Things kept getting more boring to him, he couldn't find anyone who could put up a good enough fight. Until one day he met a strange man who interfered in one of his fights.

Eon looked about fifteen years old now. He had been in the Rukongai for a little over a century. As usual, Eon was in another fight with some guy and his crew. They had came up and challenged Eon, thirteen to one. Eon simply stood up from the steps he sat on. He watched the people carefully and cracked his neck. When the first two ran at him, Eon ran straight forward. He ducked down from both of their punches that were aimed for his face. He stretched out both arms and caught them in the stomach, making them bend over. He then rose up and slammed them together before pushing them to the ground.

A kid came running up behind him and threw a punch for the back of his head. Eon looked back as the kid yelled and then he bent down, the punch flying over his head. He kept falling forward and pushed out both hands, catching him and swung up his feet. His heel caught the kid under the jaw and knocked him back, breaking a few teeth and knocking the kid out in the process.

The two kids that he knocked down first were getting up as he was still in a hand stand. As soon as they got to their feet and were able to focus, Eon spread out his legs and crossed his arms. He twisted his body and went into a spin, kicking both of the kids in the side of the face. After they were knocked away he pushed off the ground and flipped slightly, landing on his feet.

Four of the kids stared open mouthed at Eon, and ignoring their leaders orders, ran off. One kid, a girl, stood and watched with a keen eye. Eon looked at her curiously, wondering why she held no anger or fear in her eyes. As he looked at her, a kid took his distracted advantage and caught him right in the back with a knee. Eon lurched forward, stumbling, then stabled himself.

He sighed and turned, straightening out. Looking at the kid, he frowned. The kid who came up behind him and attacked look no more than six years old. He looked frightened, but had a look in his eyes that Eon saw once before. He saw Kazuki's eyes, standing up for himself, trying not to get Eon involved. The kid threw a simple punch at Eon. Eon caught the punch in his hand and bent down, looking at the kid with sad eyes. He told that kid, "you don't need to get involved with things like this... Just go.. This world... The world of violence... It isn't something you want to be apart of... It's not something a person should live with... Causing pain to others... Hurting, even killing them... It doesn't just hurt them, but others that are connected to them.. Just go.."

Eon contradicted what he himself did. However, if told this to the kid because the life he had was something he didn't want, but felt he had to do. He continued on with this life because he felt there was no turning back for him. He felt he had to do this in order to bring peace. Eon would continue to fight just so he could protect.

"Go home," he told the kid before letting go of the kids hand. The kid didn't do anything, he just stood there watching Eon. Eon turned to face five others. His eyes locked with the girls again and this time she was smiling. She slowly backed away and went down a side street without the others noticing, looking back once more before continuing.

Eon turned as a kid approached him and waited to see what he would do. He was surprised when the kid walked past him. Then he saw the kids real target; the little boy Eon had spoken to. "If you aren't going to be with us, to fight for me, then I guess we will just have to get rid of you," said the leader from across the street. The kid that walked up to the little boy and raised a fist. As he went to punch, his fist stopped inches from the boy's face.

Eon held the kids arm and when that kid looked back at Eon, he froze. Eon's bland look was now that of a scowl. His eyes were hidden by his hair and he was breathing angrily. His grip tightened on the kids arm and then the kid let out of howl of pain, trying to rip Eon's grasp away. The kid tried and tried, then he desperately through a punch and hit Eon square in the face. Eon's face jerked to the side and the kid stood there frozen as blood trickled down Eon's face. The kid removed his hand and saw Eon's eyes.

Eon's eyes seemed different from earlier. They were cold and merciless. The blood running from his nose didn't help the look. Eon gripped the kids hand as well as still holding onto his arm, then twisted. A large snap echoed through the area before Eon through the kid over his shoulder with a broken arm. Eon turned toward the leader and spoke, "You think your so big and bad... standing there while your underlings do all the work... If you are so tough then face me yourself."

The leader backed up as he stared at Eon. He looked at his last two remaining guys who were staring at him, waiting to see what he would do. The leader gulped and then, so he wouldn't look bad in front of his gang and lose their respect, he walked forward. Eon watched the kid and as he approached, he reached inside his pocket. He whipped his hand out of his pocket and through a spiked bronze knuckled punch at Eon. Eon caught the punch and winced as the spikes dug into his hand.

Eon looked down at the kid's other hand as it moved. The kid had pulled out a switch blade and was bringing it up straight for Eon's heart. Then, his arm stopped. Eon's eyes widened as he felt the energy that seemed to freeze him and the others. Eon struggled to turn his head and saw a man in a raincoat walking toward him. The man seemed to be the only thing able to move. He wore a rain hat which hid his face.

Stopping a few feet from them, the man spoke, "Now, now children. No need to bring weapons into this. If you can't fight fairly, then don't fight at all. The man had a sword at his waist, it looked a lot like the Zanpakuto that the shinigami wore. Eon's eyes were on the man who was able to stop him with just his reiatsu. The man pulled the leader back and then picked up Eon. "You're coming with me boy," he said as he then started to walk away. After they went down a few streets, the spiritual pressure ceased and Eon was set down.

"Who... Who are you?" Eon asked, looking up at the man. The man simply smiled and spoke two words, "Your Sensei." Eon was slightly confused but began following the man as he traveled deeper into the Rukongai.

Rukongai - Trained for a Future

Eon was brought to a small hut just outside of District 78, Inuzuri. The place was small and quaint, hidden from view by a cluster of trees, close to a small river. From a distance he could seem smoke or steam coming from farther back. The man stopped in front of the door and looked at the steam as well. "It seems Crystal is taking a dip in the hot springs. I'd stay away from there if you valued your life," said the man, laughing.

"Who are you?" asked Eon, ignoring the man's comment while also taking a note of it. The man was strange to him, wearing a raincoat in this time of day and carrying around a sword. The man had a calm, playful voice compared to Eon's sad, harsh voice. Eon kept glancing at his sword every now and then. "And if you have a Zanpakuto, then why are you still in Rukongai? Why aren't you with the shinigami?"

The man smiled as if the question amused him. "I am just an old man... Hoping to change worst part of Rukongai one step at a time... I like to help others my own way, not the way they want..." The man frowned a little, but the step came back into his voice. "So, as I said before. I'm going to be your Sensei. I'm going to teach you a little more than you know, and some things you already know. I will teach you the way of the sword. I will teach you what they will not teach you in the Academy. You and Crystal will be trained into Shinigami and be sent there, and hopefully, help those I cannot. I chose you and her because you both understand the path your on. And the responsibility it takes to carry that burden."

Eon was speechless from what he said. And for the next century he trained under the man alongside Crystal. For the first few months Eon was trained in Hakuda, being taught different styles of martial arts. In the beginning the man had used his Zanpakuto's Shikai and drew blood from Eon. He explained that his shikai's ability was being able to feed him information on another person's Zanpakuto. He never told Eon what his was, but he told Eon that training him in Hakuda was more important than training him in Zanjutsu. The man told him that a true warrior doesn't rely on Kido. 'A true warrior relies on his own skills, his own body.' That was what he had told Eon.

Eon was soon taught how to fight with a blade by practicing with a wooden blade. According to his sensei, he fashioned a blade that would one day match his Zanpakuto's size. It handled perfectly in Eon's hands. He noticed the girl had a wooden dagger instead of a sword. When he asked about it, she explained that Zanpakuto formed in various types of weapons. From katana, to scimitars, to daggers, and others.

Rukongai - Completed Training

Eon and Crystal would often train together when their sensei went out. Whenever his sensei wasn't teaching them about weapons, he taught them how to make people better. He taught them that their hands weren't only tools for fighting, but tools for healing. And so he taught them how to give a perfect massage. He would teach this every couple of days a week, but would mainly perfect their training as best he could in other styles.

After training, Eon and Crystal would go to the hot spring and relax. Of course they both wore something to cover them up, but they began to bond more and more over the months. Soon they became a couple, and did nearly everything together. Things started seeming great, and for the first time in a very, very long time, Eon was finally happy.

The two trainees soon became skilled enough to start training together. Over the months their Sensei only made little remarks at their fighting, correcting stances, or reminding them about certain moves. One day, something amazing happened. During their Zanjutsu training, their sensei made them fight to their peak while trying to control their spiritual energy. When they reached their peak with their spiritual energy, both of them were covered in a light. Eon was coated in a golden reiatsu and Crystal was coated in a green reiatsu. Their reiatsu coated their weapons and then the two lights mixed in a giant flash. When the spiritual reiatsu subsided, they were now holding real weapons, real Zanpakuto. Their sensei smiled and announced that their training was complete.

Shinigami Academy - An Old Friend and Broken Heart

After going over a few more training regimens just to make sure they were used to their blades, their Sensei told them what they needed to do next. He led them to the Shinigami Academy and left them on their own. From there the two entered the Academy and began their journey to become Shinigami.

They spent their time going through the Academy. Eon was happy to have Crystal with him. He wasn't used to being around a lot of people. Plus, it was good to have someone he knew really well by his side. Because of their training, they excelled in Hakuda and got high marks in Zanjutsu. Their speed was average. Their lowest grade was Kido. They were never trained in it and all that they bothered to learn was enough to pass to become a shinigami.

Things were normal over their time in the Shinigami Academy. But things took a turn for the worse on one of their training missions. They were supposed to be fighting fake hollows, while some would be stationed to locate, some would be there as support, while others were on the front line or tended to those few idiots who managed to get injured. Eon was on the front lines while Crystal was set out stationed to locate the fake hollows.

Things were going fine, Eon was getting the most points from killing the hollows quickly. Though, he kept felt like he was being watched. He would always look around after killing a fake hollow, but he didn't see anything. On his twentieth kill, he heard a scream. Turning toward one of the towers, he saw its source. Crystal was wrapped in the tail of a dragon type Hollow. A real Hollow. Eon's eyes widened and he rushed toward her. But when he got there, the hollow had already bit her in half.

Before Eon could strike, the Hollow spoke. "Ah... Eon.. You've grown... It's been a long time..." The hollow's voice sounded familiar. So familiar that it sent a spine up his back. "Ka...Kazu..ki?" said Eon, freezing in shock. "Hahahah! Yes Eon... It is me... You see... That day that I died... I walked away.. Angry with you.... It was your fault this happened to me.. your fault that I died... If I would have never met you... I would still be alive..."

Eon didn't know what to do. He knew Kazuki spoke the truth. Eon closed his eyes, trying to hold back the tears. But then he remembered Crystal. He opened his eyes to look at Kazuki, but he was gone. He had lost his best friend and his love. Both died because of him. It was all his fault...

Soul Society - A New Resolve

A few weeks after the incident in training, Eon graduated and was inducted into the Eighth Division of the court guard squads. This should have been a glorious day, but for Eon, it wasn't that great. The girl he loved was dead, his best friend was a hollow. He kept wondering what would happen next. Who would die because of him this time? Their images flashed through his head, they haunted his dreams every single night.

After spending decades with the court guard squads, Eon slowly moved up in rank. One day while training, while meditating, Eon was thinking of those he lost, then he heard a voice. His Zanpakuto was sitting across his lap and was glowing. He looked down at it and heard a soft whisper, then the world went black.

A golden light hit Eon and caused him to open his eyes. He was in the middle of a field that seemed to have seen many wars, many deaths. The sky was a twilight gold, the sun seemed to be stuck in one spot, causing an eternal twilight at dusk. Eon looked around confused, not sure what had happened. He jerked his head up as he heard a voice from above.

"Death comes eventually. You must deal with that. It is apart of the circle of life. People come and go, but they will always remain in your heart," said a man that was flying in old warrior armor. He landed in front of Eon and smiled. "You must not dwell on the matter of loss. You must not let it weaken you. Take that loss and make sure it never happens again. Protect those around you. I will help you. A true warrior will always stand up for what's right. Will always do what's right. I will be your companion and forever be at your side. For we are one. I understand what you are growing through, but do you think they would want you to blame yourself all the time? Or move on and become better, to protect others?"

Eon knew the man was right, he couldn't let this stop him. Eon looked at the man and smiled, "You're right... I must move on... I will become stronger, I will right what wrong I did, and I will protect everyone... .." said Eon, the name of his Zanpakuto seemed to finally be in his head. "Thank you..." Eon felt the power in the name after he said it. He knew what he had to do, he knew what he must do. And he would succeed.
Inner world appearance:


Name: Kosumosu Senshi (Warrior of the Cosmos)
Zanpakutō spirit: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Zarendor
Kosumosu Senshi is a quite Zanpakuto spirit that tends to rarely speak to Eon, even though he does show some care toward his Shinigami and those his Shinigami holds close. Kosumosu has black hair down to his chin with a face hidden behind a black cloak hood. His clothes look similar to what royalty wears exact it is pitch black. He carries a weapon that seems to take different forms every time Eon goes to see him. (Appearance above)
Sealed form: The sealed form is a nodachi that he has laying across his back. The sheath is a snow white with a matching hilt wrapping. The hilt itself is black, causing an appearance of black diamonds. The Zanpakuto's guard is in the shape of a black star.
Shikai: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Anime_Knight-1
(This picture is for a reference so you can see what the armor looks like)
When Shikai is activated, his Zanpakuto and sheath break up into one thousand tiny spikes the size of razors. These spikes will then float around Eon and then attach to certain parts of his body. They overlap and combine, fitting together like a puzzle to form a solid shape. They cover the right arm, shoulders, and lower legs, as well as the upper back. The blades also form a small crown upon Eon's head that seems to stay there even if he is upside down. his right arm is covered in less, allowing for faster strikes while his left arm is coated thickly, allowing for stronger attacks. The blades are capable of separating from his body through techniques, connected via spiritual energy.
Call out phrase: Shred, Kosumosu Senshi!
Any abilities/techniques:

  • Blades of the Cosmos - Through the connection of his blades using the spiritual wires, Eon is capable of either manipulating different sections of his blades one at a time or manipulating them to a smaller degree all at once. The blades are incapable of being manipulated separately within a section, and so if one section of blades were manipulated, all of them do the same thing as one of them. Meaning if he punched and sent his blades flying forward, then all of the blades on his arm must rush forward, not just some of them. Another example would be a full body manipulation, by spreading his blades out a short distance from all over his body. The max range a full body manipulation can be used at is five feet.


Bankai name: Kosumosu Yooso (Elements of the Cosmos)
Bankai description: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Warrior
(Exact image of what he looks like in Bankai)
The blades numbers increase from 1000 to 5000, 3000 of which interlock into the armor along his body into what you see above. The other 2000 form into the large blade you see above. Then symbols appear on the blade. Each seal represent a different element. His ability is to Assimilate. Assimilation is the ability to touch an element and take on its properties. He can only take on one element at a time, so if he wants to be able to assimilate and manipulate fire, but has currently assimilated water, he must disband the water and then assimilate the fire. His armor takes on the color of the assimilated element and acts as an immunity to that element. The blade is surrounded by that element and so carries it around making his attacks more devastating. For example: If he Assimilates fire, his armor turns red making him immune to fire attacks. Also, flames burst from his sword, covering it in fire that seems to have some internal source of energy. Due to the blades having the same structure as Shikai, he is capable of using the same techniques in Shikai while in Bankai.
Any abilities/techniques:
  • Assimilation - By touching his blade in Bankai to an element, Eon is capable of absorbing a small portion of that element into his blade. After that is done his blade acts as an energy source for manipulating the element that was Assimilated. He can only Assimilate one element at a time and if he seals his bankai or releases the element he has to wait a bit for his weapon to recharge (two posts) before he is able to Assimilate another element. The element that he Assimilates sprouts out around his blade in various forms depending on the element that was Assimilated.

  • Assimilated Immunity - After Assimilating an element, Eon's spike armor changes to the base color of that element. He then becomes immune to the element that he has Assimilated.

  • Eyes of the Cosmos - In Bankai, Eon's eyes become pure white, making him seem blind. However, this is not the case. Eon's Bankai allows him a complete 360o view for up to a two hundred foot radius.

Inner Hollow

Name of inner hollow: Mao (Demon Lord)
Personality: Moa is an up close and personal type creature. He speaks to Eon more than Eon's own Zanpakuto Spirit. He loves to bring out the dark side of people and cause Eon to go into emotional despair, even screwing with Eon's love life. He gets an unholy satisfaction out of the misery of others. He is constantly fighting Eon for control over his body.
Moa takes the shape of a 19 year old guy with black and blood red hair. It's medium short in the front, top and upper back. In the lower back and side his hair is quite long and braided almost. He is shirtless with strange blood markings along his body. His eyes are a glowing crimson.
Hollow mask:
Eon's mask is in the form of a skull with a skeletal hand covering the upper portion of the face and the fingers sprouting out above the top. His mask allows him four dances, each having a different stacking effect. Each dance can only be activated after their previous dance has been done. Each dance alters Eon's form. These dances are called the Demon Dance.

Dance 1: Dance of Destruction - Dance of Destruction is the first of the four dances. It is activated upon the bearing of his Hollow Mask and increases Eon's physical strength to near super human levels (Hakuda increased by 1 point). This form is just his mask.

Dance 2: Dance of Mayhem - Dance of Mayhem is the second of the four dances. 2 posts after the first dance is activated, this dance can be activated. The skeletal hand wraps around Eon's head and extend down to his legs and arms. Skeletal gloves and boots form on his feet, increasing his speed far beyond what he was capable of (Hoho increased by 1 point).

Dance 3: Dance of Chaos - Dance of Chaos is the third of the four dances. 3 posts after Dance of Mayhem is activated, this one can be used. The form changes by forming a skeletal exoskeleton across Eon's body, mimicing the real human bodies skeletal frame. This increases his defense exponentially (Increased Hankou by 1 point).

Dance 4: Dance of Death - Dance of Death is the final dance. It activates 5 posts after Dance of Chaos. In this form, Eon's skeletal frame outfit covers his body and forms into a complete hollowfied suit. The skeleton is still seen clearly, however he is coated in a black fiber where the skeleton does not cover. A skeletal tail extends from his spinal skeleton from and moves as if it was really attached. The tail is six feet in length. This form increases his strength even further, turning him into a monster in the battlefield (Hakuda increased by 1). Dance of Death lasts 10 posts before the mask time is up.

Each dance stacks on top of the other. After the Dance of Death is performed and sealed away, Eon becomes extremely weakened. This causes him to have to wait 10 posts before he is able to do the dances once more.


Rank - A
Hoho (speed) - 6
Zanjutsu (Art of the sword or weapon) - 6
Reiryoku (Spiritual energy) - 5
Kido (Way of the spirit) - 5
Hakudo (Physical combat) - 7
Hankou (Resistance) - 6
Points awarded:
Total points: 35

Last edited by Eon on Wed May 02, 2012 12:04 am; edited 2 times in total
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Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami   Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 3:28 am

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PostSubject: Re: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami   Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 7:48 am


Be sure to make your captain's office and squad barracks when you get around to it.
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PostSubject: Re: Eon Shikimori - Shinigami   Eon Shikimori - Shinigami Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 10:22 pm

Eon's Shikai and Bankai Ability changes have been approved. Adding them now.


Shikai Ability/Technique Change

  • Blades of the Cosmos - Through the connection of his blades using the spiritual wires, Eon is capable of either manipulating different sections of his blades one at a time or manipulating them to a smaller degree all at once. The blades are incapable of being manipulated separately within a section, and so if one section of blades were manipulated, all of them do the same thing as one of them. Meaning if he punched and sent his blades flying forward, then all of the blades on his arm must rush forward, not just some of them. Another example would be a full body manipulation, by spreading his blades out a short distance from all over his body. The max range a full body manipulation can be used at is five feet.

Bankai Abilities
  • Assimilation - By touching his blade in Bankai to an element, Eon is capable of absorbing a small portion of that element into his blade. After that is done his blade acts as an energy source for manipulating the element that was Assimilated. He can only Assimilate one element at a time and if he seals his bankai or releases the element he has to wait a bit for his weapon to recharge (two posts) before he is able to Assimilate another element. The element that he Assimilates sprouts out around his blade in various forms depending on the element that was Assimilated.

  • Assimilated Immunity - After Assimilating an element, Eon's spike armor changes to the base color of that element. He then becomes immune to the element that he has Assimilated.

  • Eyes of the Cosmos - In Bankai, Eon's eyes become pure white, making him seem blind. However, this is not the case. Eon's Bankai allows him a complete 360o view for up to a two hundred foot radius.
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