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 What is the Issue?[Open]

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PostSubject: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 10:49 am


It was a normal but odd day in the seireitei. It seem there is a battle going on in the real world. Once again, the town Karakura, is the epit center of it all. Kakashei Haruko, Captain of Division 12, seem to appear oblivious of it all. Which is probaly best, it seems the ones engaging in battle are all more powerful than Kakashei. It would of been idiotic of himself to even go off and engage in such things. Since he was most likely not the only captain that is not there, so if there was to be any backlash, he would not be the only one in trouble. Plus he had a excuse, he did not know there was a battle, well, he did. But he did not know if he had to join in it all. This is why he is simply filling out papers in his office. Sitting behind his desk as strands of light brown hair fell before his face every once and a while. Pulling it back, his emerald green irisis fiercly shift as he read the documents, one after another.

"Hmmm, all this paperwork is beggining to bore me. I know i am a captain, but i shouldn't be force to do such things. I should be experimenting more, and finding out more on arrancars and visords. Blah!" he belch as he put down his pen. Leaning back in his chair as his gaze shifted around and gaze at his ceiling. Pushing back from his desk, he rose from his chair to stretch out his arms and legs. His back bending back as the sounds of his spine cracking, echoed about. "Ahhhh, i needed that. Hmmm, i might as well take a break, i need to go and study more. Paperwork can wait, plus, Captain Yamato is engaged in battle, not like he will know." he spoke as a light smile form upon his lips. With that, he headed down the hall and down into his other office, where he experimented and studied up on things.
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Eliminate Reality
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Eliminate Reality

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Location : Behind you, with a gun to your head. Yes you, the one's reading this.


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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 12:29 pm

Alice had finally gotten back from training. As nice a day it was, the air was heavy with an ominous weight. She knew something was wrong, but would let the captains handle it. Her silvery white hair was now mid-back long as she proudly wore her squad 12 lieutenant's badge on her right shoulder. She had been notified that the captain of the squad had been changed, so she was looking forward to seeing the new person. She had been told his name and basic information, so all she needed was to see him.

As she walked down the hall, she noticed him come out of his office. She quickened her pace until she reached him, walking a few steps behind him to his left, matching his pace, as she said, "Good morning, Haruko Taicho-Sama." She said respectfully. Noticing the look on his face, she asked, "Pardon me for asking, but is something the matter?"
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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:39 pm

As he made his way down to the second area of his office, he was stop by the greeting of a female. Coming to a stop, his gaze shifted to the side as he turned to face her. Looking the female down, he identified her features first, and then her badge. A smile forming as his arms rose up and back down, his hands clap as he begin to spoke. "Ahh, and here i was beggining to think you were dead. Salutation, Alice. My name is Kakashei Haruko, but i am sure you have already been notified. I know i am not wearing my robe, but trust me, i am your new captain. Now, if you do not mine me asking, where is it have you been? I ask around, and none of the other officers knew. I was beggining to send out a search squad, i may not know you that much, but you are my leutinent." he babbled as he look to the female's eyes directly. His arms folding before his chest as he waited for a anwser and response from the white haired female.
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Eliminate Reality
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Eliminate Reality

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Location : Behind you, with a gun to your head. Yes you, the one's reading this.


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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 2:08 am

Looking at her captain with her icy blue eyes, she gave an apologetic bow. "Forgive me, Taicho-sama. I had been away training." She said, straightening up and unconsciously touching her neck with her fore finger and thumb, gingerly rubbing it as if it was hurting. It wasn't hurting, but there was something else. She guessed she could trust her captain with this.

"Taicho-sama... The Real reason for my training is that, lately, I've been feeling very unreal at times. Like, during battles, my body is moving on it's own and I'm simply along for the ride... At times, I even feel something stirring deep inside me." She said in a worried way. "Not in the physically inside way, more like deep inside my very soul..." She ended, her voice low and tense now, as she nervously caressed her right wrist with her left hand, remembering the first battle injury she had gotten with an arrancar. No scar or sign remained, but this helped her remember the bond she shared with that particular arrancar... A bond of death between them. Sooner or later, one of them would kill the other. And that added anxiety to her already bad state of mind.
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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 11:16 am

He appreciated the bow and apology as he saw the female was very formal. Something Kakashei found to be very honerable as he brought strands of his air from his face. Emerald green irsis watch as her hands motion to her neck, he wondered if she was in some form of pain as the female spoke. Listening, he wondered what she meant. By what the female is saying, there is more than one person in her body. From his studies, he may know why the female is feeling that way. So once the female finished, he responded with his theory. "Someone else is fighting while in battle? Hmm, this sounds familiar for some reason. I read up on past events, such as the visords and hollows. Are you familiar with the substitute shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki? He is a visord, like the Captain of Squad 5, Shinji. From what i gathered, you may possibly be a visord. Did something occur where you went through some form of hollowfication? If not, there may be something else more troubling if so...." he states as his right hand rose to sroke the hairs upon his chin. His brain was hard at work at the momet as he tried to figure out why this is occuring.
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Eliminate Reality
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Eliminate Reality

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Location : Behind you, with a gun to your head. Yes you, the one's reading this.


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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 11:31 am

Her? A Vizard? A Being containing the very thing she hated... "What? With all due respect, Taicho-sama, I find that completely impossible. I've never been hollowfied in my entire life." She said. She had never been close enough to die from a hollow either. "Neither have I ever fallen to a hollow." She added after that thought came to her. But then, a dull memory came out from the back of her mind... Colorless and blurred with age, she could remember herself as a child, hiding from the hollows as they killed her family in the Rukongai.... And then, she noticed one hollow meet her eyes, before she blacked out. When she had come to, she was at the medical ward in Squad 4 in the Sereitei. Could something have happened to her then? Did she have an inner beast locked away inside of her somewhere? If she did, would she be forced to leave Soul Society and live as an exile. Doubt sprung up inside of her along with alot of other feelings, although her face was impassive, no emotion on her face other than her eyes narrowed in frustration and thought.

"I don't think I'm a vizard... Must be my zanpakutou spirit, he sometimes influences blood lust onto me." She Said, shaking the matter off, her porcelain white skin shining almost as much as her snow white hair. "So... Did you need something?" She asked, changing the subject.
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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 1:57 pm

Her zanpakuto? It shouldn't have that much control over its wielder, but Kakashei did not want to question the females belief. He wondered what was it the female really was speaking of, it all points to her being a visord, possibly. "I find it to be something along that lines, unless you suffer from multiple personalities. If so, you do not have much to worry about, well you do, but you do not have to worry about having a inner hollow. Well, you possibly could......" he babbled for a while before stopping. He wanted to be sure to not worry the female, but he still wondered on how the female would not know of being a visord. All visords go through hollowfication, that is the only way for them to change, and they will have to be councious to supress it all. Unless, they were to be given help by someone from the soul society. "May i ask something? Were you ever attacked by a hollow as a child? If so, what happen after? I may be able to figure this all out for you." he askes the female.

Though he has not been captain long, Kakashei reads up on as many things as he can. He does it so much at times that he forgets to train, which is why he is not the most powerful out of the captains. Nevertheless, he will help his leutinent with the best of his ability, even if he has to deal with being around Shinji and his womanizing ways.
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Eliminate Reality
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Eliminate Reality

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Location : Behind you, with a gun to your head. Yes you, the one's reading this.


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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 3:31 pm

"I'd Rather not talk about it." She said in a cold way, which still had formality in it, but had the tone of coldness in it to signify that she did not like going into that topic. She peeked into his office as she then looked at him, her icy blue eyes a shade colder as she said, "I see you have some paper work to do... You can go on ahead and do some of your captain duties, I'll finish them for you."
Giving a short bow, she turned around and walked back to the Captain's office, clearly not liking where the conversation was heading. Although she did not show it in her hard, cold exterior, fear was now working it's way through her system. If she was indeed a vizard, she would soon be hollowfying and putting everyone around her at risk. She was like a time bomb. She had never seen or felt any type of mask appear on her, but she still did have out-of-body moments. Her Zanpakutou was very aggressive and it did indeed encourage her adrenaline and blood lust. Like it's name, Venom would affect everyone who came to be under his blade, as well as channel his own personality into the person wielding him. This never really lasted and he never really forced her unless she was in a life threatening situation, but recently, she hadn't been in any life threatening situation, unless you count the incident with Wenceslas... But then, she did everything by herself. All of this was going through her mind as she sat in a seat across the captains desk, opposite the captain's chair, and began working on the paper.
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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 7:51 pm

He nodded inderstanding the females feelings as he decided to not press on the matter. He may have to ask Shinji or find Kiske Urahara and ask him. Though he wanted to wait and take precautions before hand, gathering more information on it all before asking or questioning the female again. "Very well, you may come to me at any time when and if you feel this other spirit or person take over." he states as he read the females body expressions.

He could judge by her tone that there was something that occured, but what? That was the question in hand, but he decided not to stress over it, instea he flashed a smile to the female. "Well, thank you very much. I shall see you in a bit, just ring the bell on the desk." he stopped to gesture to the bbell on the table, one he had to replace. His last being destroyed by Shinji, who he has already exacted his reveng on. "As i said, thank you. Be careful...." he states as he turns to walk off. Heading down the stairs as he entered into his downstairs lab. His right hand had already gestured to his chin as he sat down in his chair. Taking a moment to contemplate on things, he worried for his leutinents well being. As well as his officers, because if the female was to be a hollow, ansd not have any control. There could be a pont where he female could go berserk and attack us all. At least that is what Kakashei believed could happen, though he hope it wouldn't.

Motioning foward, hs right hand and left went to his computer as he began to search for data. In rapid succession, he opened up old files in the data base as he read up more on visords and espada. As well as the visords: Ichigo Kurosaki and Shinji. Not much was there, but he knew there was ways of finding out more, but it required him to by pass codes and rules. That is why he say back in his chair and contemplate on other ways of getting information, with out anyone else knowing..... "Damn that Shinji, if he hadn't made a appearence, i would of been able to gain information on visords more. He ruined my research, imbicil." he states as he slammed his fist on the arm rest of his seat. Sighing, he continued to researc on the past data and his data.
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PostSubject: Re: What is the Issue?[Open]    What is the Issue?[Open]  Icon_minitime

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