Standing south of the opening gates, a two story wooden made building stands. The tallest of the others, this building obviously belongs to the captain, Kakashei Haruko. Two large doors meet those from the outside, as you enter eyes will meet to a dim lighted room. A desk is in the middle of the room, surrounded by other things such as: file cabinets, chairs, etc. Usually Kakashei would be sitting behind the desk filling out paper work. If he does not address you in, do not enter. Located around the corner, stair cases that lead to the up-stairs. There lies three different rooms, two hold paperwork and miscellaneous things, while the last room at the end holds the room of Kakashei. Inside there lies a bed, two dressers, a bathroom and a closet. Kakashei rarely spends time here so the bed is nearly always made, and the room is kept clean.